Month in Review: October

The Autumn Electronix Festival at Garner Arts Center on October 21 was a great success. It was a really well-curated event, great music and art, in a beautiful space. I've been asked to DJ again at next year's event, so save the date: October 20, 2018. 

I'm slowly chipping away at the Surrealist Erotica Series. Real life took me out of the right headspace a little bit this month so I haven't been working on it at the rate I planned on. So far I've done Man Ray, Salvador Dali, Laure, Hans Bellmer, and Georges Bataille is just about finished. I also did a one-off photo based on collage by Nusch Eluard, you can check it out on my gallery page. There is an element of ritual to my art, so if the conditions aren't right, I don't force it. 

I have been working on a bit on different series, The Blue Period. I'm not crazy about Picasso, but his "blue period" works are probably his best. The photos will be going up shortly on my gallery page. 

In the last couple of weeks I've been creating an excess of collages and stop motion animated collages. Some are already up in my gallery page and Deviant Art, and most have been posted to Instagram and Tumblr already. 

Will the Whip Angels album ever come out? I'm waiting for the mastering. A big hold up though has been that I have no vision for the physical look of the tape. At this rate I've considered releasing it digitally and making a special digital portal for it on my website instead with video and some kind of interactive element. To me, the physical element is the book