
Week in Review: October 31-November 6

An overview of my creative works made in the past week.


Strength by Joan Pope, 2021

Failing the Rorschach Test by Joan Pope, 2021

Connectedness by Joan Pope, 2021


This was one of the videos in my installation at Garner Arts Center last week.


I have some new art minted on Dartroom, the Algorand NFT marketplace. I’ve said this before, but I think its worth mentioning again- Algorand is a carbon neutral blockchain, its way faster than Eth, and the transaction fees are tiny. So that’s why I support art on Algorand. These are some of the pieces that are either still available or have recently sold on Dartroom:

I’ve been collecting art on there too. Check out the other artists who I’ve collected so far.



A scene from the trail.

I’ve been pretty busy this week with commissioned work so not a lot of time for my own stuff. I have a feeling this month is gonna be kinda crazy. Stay tuned…

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