astrological woman

Week in Review: Oct 28-Nov 3

An overview of my creative works made in the past week

An overview of my creative works made in the past week


First There Is Blindness, Then There Is Sight by Joan Pope (Temple ov Saturn)

First There Is Blindness, Then There Is Sight by Joan Pope (Temple ov Saturn)

The Queen of Heaven by Joan Pope (Temple ov Saturn)

The Queen of Heaven by Joan Pope (Temple ov Saturn)

Anima Exposure by Joan Pope (Temple ov Saturn)

Anima Exposure by Joan Pope (Temple ov Saturn)

Life At The End Of The Tunnel by Joan Pope (Temple ov Saturn)

Life At The End Of The Tunnel by Joan Pope (Temple ov Saturn)

Saint Light by Joan Pope (Temple ov Saturn)

Saint Light by Joan Pope (Temple ov Saturn)


Persephone by Joan Pope

Persephone by Joan Pope

Persephone by Joan Pope

Persephone by Joan Pope


Temple ov Saturn - Bride of the Sun/Daughter of the Stars

Temple ov Saturn - Bride of the Sun/Daughter of the Stars

The Bride of the Sun/Daughter of the Stars cassette is officially out as of November 1 on Squall Recordings. You can order one here. Ships from Germany.

I will all have a few copies for sale at my upcoming shows. The next one is November 18 at Secret Project Robot.

Temple ov Saturn at Refuge Arts 11/2/18

Temple ov Saturn at Refuge Arts 11/2/18


Cover of Wyrd Daze 4 by Joan Pope

Cover of Wyrd Daze 4 by Joan Pope

Wyrd Daze 4 is now out! I contributed some art, music and you can see part 3 of ‘Season of the Witch’ Check it out here.

Parasol #2

Parasol #2

A paper I wrote has been published in the latest issue of Parasol.

The mask I wore to my performance at Refuge Arts. (It was a masquerade) I used the same butterfly from the flyer.

The mask I wore to my performance at Refuge Arts. (It was a masquerade) I used the same butterfly from the flyer.